The KRITIS-DachGesetz and the state of transposition of the NIS2 Directive in Germany
With the NIS2 Directive in force since December 2022, the question arises as to how the Directive will be transposed in Germany.
In July 2023, the Germany Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) started consultations with the other ministries concerned on the NIS2 Implementation Act and the so-called KRITIS-DachGesetz, which is closely linked to the NIS2 Implementation Act. An official draft (in German language) of the KRITIS-DachG has already been published. The Federal Ministry of the Interior has also published discussion paper on the NIS2 transposition, focusing on the provisions concerning the economy. eco would like to take the opportunity to discuss with you the state of the transposition of the NIS2 Directive in Germany.
We would like to invite you to an
Online Policy Briefing „KRITIS-DachGesetz and the State of Transpostion of the NIS2 Directive in Germany“.
on 5 December 2023, 15:30 – 16:30 (CET).
We look forward to seeing you online!
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